Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Half Birthday to me!

...jkl; (that was a message from Connor)

Last time we were at the doctor I verified his "stats" over the past 6 months.....
Birth:  Weight 7 lbs 15 oz Height 21 1/2 inches
Month 1:  Weight 9 lbs 4 oz Height 21 1/2 inches
Month 2:  Weight 12 lbs 11 oz Height 23 inches
Month 3:  Weight 13 lbs 13 oz  Height 24 1/2 inches
Month 4:  Weight 14 lbs 15 oz  Height 25 1/2 inches
Month 5:  Weight 16 lbs 8 oz  Height 26 1/4 inches
Month 6 (now!)  Weight 17 lbs 13 oz  Height 25 inches 
(either he shrunk or the measuring of the height is not super accurate)

People also tell us "he's soooo big" which is funny because every time he has been about the 50-60% in height and weight.  Either way I think he's pretty perfect!

Monday, July 1, 2013

5 Month Picture

This will be a quick one since we are headed to the airport today for Brooklyn for the 2nd annual McKinney Reunion but I knew all Connor's fans would want to see his 5 month picture.  Get ready for Mr. Personality!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


This last weekend Connor got to meet 2 out of 4 of his cousin-Anna and Ella.  They swam in the hot tub together, ate dinner in the cabana, and gave each other lots of kisses!  We can't wait for July to see and meet the rest of the McKinney Crew!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monthly Updates

Adam took Connor to his 4 month check up and shots on Tuesday.  This boy is going like a weed...see for yourself!

At 4 months he is...

-14 lbs. 15 oz (50%) and 25 1/2 inches tall (80%)
-sleeping through the night from between 7:30-8:30 pm to 7:00-8:00 am (with a dream feeding)
-taking 3 naps
-rolling over on at the doctor's office
-still lovin' the swing and play mat
-smiling and giggling a lot!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Trip up North

So I went back to work on May 6th and had a full week BUT my second week back we had 3 days off so we headed up North!!

First stop, Bakersfield.  No pictures but we got a glimpse into our future since the Flachmann's have 2 boys: 2 1/2 and 5 1/2.  They were both so sweet to Connor and gave him kisses before bed.

Then we traveled up to Stockton.  Road trips are not the same as before (meaning we can't go for hours without stopping) and we had to stop so everyone could take a break.  We found this cute little cafe/gift shop/petting zoo/truck stop off the 99.  They had this fun baby swing that Connor liked and then quickly really hated! (Don't worry I didn't let him swing alone...for pictures only).

 Once in Stockton we visited good 'ole UOP.  Everything looked the same but completely different.  Adam bought himself a new hat and Baby Connor got a UOP onsie which was the most expensive onsie ever!

  Every boy loves an APhi girl!

 Last stop...Santa Cruz.  Connor was so excited for his first trip to the best city on Earth!  We had a visit with Aunie Jess and Uncle Josh (that is Uncle Josh #2), Dad and Jeanie came to see Connor, and we ended the trip with an adults dinner while Connor was babysat by Judy and Chris (AKA the self-proclaimed "Best Babysitters on Earth")


Wow, I almost forgot we made a stop on the way home at Brian's...

Well that was a pretty amazing post for our first one ever....stay tuned for more (but don't expect this much every time!)